Three ‘New Moon’ Poster Images
We’re at that stage, just three, short months away, where ‘New Moon’ is on the horizon and posters, images, and trailers start to seep out of the woodwork. For some of you, there is no such thing as “too much ‘Twilight'” coverage, and, for you, we will make every attempt at getting all the ‘New Moon’ related items we can get our grubby little paws on posted. For the rest of you, I’m assuming the majority, these next, few months might be quite dreadful. For you, I can only give a slight apology.
Today, however, we do have some new items from the ‘Twilight Saga’ universe for your viewing pleasure. They appear to be images for character posters that I’m sure will be released fairly soon. There is no text on these images, so I can only assume they are not finished. Each one features a different member of the Volturi, the evil group of vampires from Italy who make up the new movie’s villains.
The first comes from Yahoo! Movies, and it features Michael Sheen as Aro, leader of the Volturi. The second comes from the Trailer Park on Myspace and features Dakota Fanning as Jane. The third and final one comes to us from MovieFone, and it features Jamie Campbell Brown as Caius
Check them out:
‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’ is set for release on November 20th. Expect a dozen or so more character posters to come out between now and then.