
‘Cliffhanger 2’ to be Written by Fred Dekker? – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Cliffhanger 2’ to be Written by Fred Dekker?

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Let’s see the possibilities here.   A UFO crash-lands on a mountain, and killer slugs turn a snowboarding crew into zombies.   It’s up to Gabe Walk to climb up the mountain and take out the zombies one-by-one.   Or, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman (got nards), and Gillman build their new fortified castle up on Gabe’s mountain, and it’s up to the Ranger Walker to stake, shoot, destroy, and wipe out the monsters once and for all.

Those are just some of the possibilities Fred Dekker could come up with for ‘Cliffhanger 2,’ as, evidently, the screenwriter/director is working on the project.

Our buddy, Alex, over at First Showing, was in attendance last night at a screening for ‘Monster Squad.’   Director Dekker and screenwriter Shane Black were there providing live commentary.   In the Q&A afterwards, the inevitable question of what the two were working on came up.   Dekker claimed that he is currently writing ‘Cliffhanger 2.’   Apparently, he didn’t sound like he was joking, and Alex seems to think this is a sincere announcement.

Word on the sequel project has been fairly quiet since it was announced in May that StudioCanal was planning a ‘Cliffhanger 2.’   Dekker hasn’t had a film he’s written released since 1993, ironically, the same year ‘Cliffhanger’ tore it up at the box office.

We’ll keep you updated as the story progresses.

Source: First Showing