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‘Blair Witch’ Creators Vow to do Sequel Right
Remember going to see the original BLAIR WITCH PROJECT in the theater? Remember either loving it or hating it? Perhaps, remember the film making you motion sick? Now, remember seeing it the second time? Yeah, exactly.
Even though the film doesn’t hold up too well with multiple viewings, it was still a cool little movie that was different from anything we’d seen before. So, like virtually all successful movies, there came a sequel. Well, a “sequel” by some people’s definition.
BOOK OF SHADOWS: BLAIR WITCH 2 wasn’t really a sequel, in my opinion, and BLAIR WITCH PROJECT creators Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez apparently feel the same way. Ten years after it’s release, the creative pair wants to go back for seconds.
Here’s what was revealed in an interview with the BBC, courtesy of LatinoReview:
“[W]e’re thinking about going back and seeing what happened directly after the first film finished,” said Sanchez. “I think it will have some kind of video element in it, but it won’t be a first person hand-held movie.”
The so-called sequel BOOK OF SHADOWS came out just a year after the original but many, including Myrick and Sanchez, don’t feel it counts and they also don’t feel they hold any responsibility, seeing as they had virtually nothing to do with BOS. Hopefully, this attempt has something more to offer than BOOK OF SHADOWS.
Source: LatinoReview