
Review: ‘Torchwood: Children of Earth, Day Two’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: ‘Torchwood: Children of Earth, Day Two’

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Warning!: If you haven’t seen the first episode of “Children of Earth” do NOT read this review!

Now that that’s out of the way let’s get into it. When we last left our heroes Jack was blown up, Gwen was on the run and we weren’t sure if Ianto was going to make it out or not. Truth is, it wouldn’t be much of a mini-series if they killed off any of the remaining characters in the first part of a mini-series. Sure it’d be gutsy, but that’s just not Torchwood’s style of writing.

Our new episode picks up with both Gwen and Ianto making it out of the explosion alive, but soon afterwards Gwen is attacked by government agents posing as ambulance drivers. Ianto gets out of the rubble a little bit after Gwen and is suddenly attacked by a sniper. They both get away and now they’re on the run from who ever it is that’s attacking them. What they don’t realize is that it’s the same government that they work for.

Much of the episode is about what happened to Jack. It’s a well known fact in the Torchwood world that Jack hasn’t been killed by anything yet, but now it’s just a matter of seeing how much like Wolverine he really is. Can he be blown apart from the inside and still live? The other mystery in the episode is what are the transmissions that the aliens (dubbed the Four Five Six) are sending to Earth? Turns out they’re a box of some kind, but who knows what.

Much of this episode is our heroes figuring out who’s after them, but there are some truly great moments for some characters. If i said anymore I’d be giving away spoilers. The episode isn’t as strong as Day One, but it’s good and Day Three promises to really get things going. So far it’s turning out to be one of the better Torchwood stories and really pushes the limits of our remaining trio of heroes.