Official Rejection Presents: Mr. Kaufman Goes To deadCENTER
We have been following the awesome documentary “Official Rejection†for quite a few months now. We brought you one of the very first reviews of the film and a very detailed 5 part audio interview with filmmaker Paul Osborne. We are also gearing up to bring you a very cool contest based on the film that I will announce soon.
I was talking with Paul yesterday and he mentioned that he was about to release a new video promoting the film. I took a look at it and knew it was something I had to post on here. Indie film icon Lloyd Kaufman is one of the (very lively) interview subjects of the film. When ‘Official Rejection’ played the deadCENTER film festival, Lloyd Kaufman went to go see it for the first time. Here is a little video of Lloyd’s reaction.
OR will next screen next week at both the Indianapolis International Film Festival and the Oxford International Film Festival. For a complete list of screenings and for more info, check out
Jerry Cavallaro –