
Even the ‘G.I. Joe’ Marketing Sucks – We Are Movie Geeks

Coming to Theaters

Even the ‘G.I. Joe’ Marketing Sucks

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Yesterday Cinematical posted the Slurpee straws from ‘G.I. Joe’ and the tagline of “Finally! Proof That ‘G.I. Joe’ Will Suck” and then later in the afternoon I was pumping gas at 7/11 and came across this super lame promo for ‘G.I. Joe’.

I really really want to like this movie but this stuff is making me detest it. You can see the straws below:


What do you guys think about this? Make you want to see it more or less now?

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.