
Creepy ‘Saw VI’ Motion Poster Hits – We Are Movie Geeks

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Creepy ‘Saw VI’ Motion Poster Hits

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Intense.   Graphic.   Twisted.   Mind-numbing.   Tedious.   These are some of the adjectives that have been used to describe the ‘Saw’ franchise thus far.   However, in the five films that have preceded ‘Saw VI,’ due out this coming October, I don’t think “creepy” has ever come up.   That is, until now.Lionsgate has released this motion poster.   At first, it looks like an aerial view of a Mel Gibson-directed battle sequence, but then the tiny, little ants begin to mingle.   Once the poster is fully revealed, keep watching.   The little people continue to move just slightly enough to mess with your eyes.   It’s rather creepy to say the least.

Check it out for yourself:

The official site for ‘Saw VI’ is also live.   According to the countdown clock, we’re going to be getting a teaser trailer on 5PM Central Time on Thursday.   We’ll be sure to have it up for you as soon as it becomes available.

‘Saw VI’ is set for release on October 23rd.

Source: Official Site