
Brandon Routh’s ‘Superman’ Contract Has Expired – We Are Movie Geeks


Brandon Routh’s ‘Superman’ Contract Has Expired

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superman brandon routh

It has been more than three years since Bryan Singer’s ‘Superman Returns’ failed to make serious bank, and some are questioning how long we will have to wait for another Man of Steel feature film.   Recently,, a Portuguese website, caught up with Brandon Routh on the set of ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World,’ and ‘Superman’ related questions were raised.

Here is what Routh had to say:

I do not know of anything. I’m sure that Warner Bros. is moving there, but everything is still uncertain. Really, I do not know anything.

The term contract has expired. But if they call me again, back to the character without thinking twice.

Routh also commented during the interview that he felt a certain level of injustice that ‘Batman Begins’ was given a sequel when, like ‘Superman Returns,’ it failed to make the amount of money Warner Bros. were expecting from it.

Just for FYI, ‘Superman Returns’ made just over $200 million domestic and $391 worldwide against a $270 million budget, whereas ‘Batman Begins’ cost $150 million, made $205 million in the US, and a total of $372 worldwide.

Source: Omelete via ThinkMcFly