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What’s going on with ‘G.I. Joe’?
Remember before ‘Punisher: Warzone’ came out there were all sorts of rumors floating around that it was so horrible they fired Lexi Alexander and were recutting it to be’ PG-13′? Then about a week later all the rumors were called out, Lexi was still on board and the movie released with an ‘R’ rating. Yeah, so that same thing is now happening with ‘G.I. Joe’ and depsite the fact that I am not excited at all about this film, it still doesnt deserve the rumor report which everyone is running.
When there is an official statement from Paramount that they have fired Stephen Sommers because ‘G.I. Joe’ had the lowest test ratings in the history of Paramount Pictures and they have brought someone else on board to re-cut the film then we will run it. Until then we are just going to say: What the hell is going on with ‘G.I. Joe’?