
‘Predators’ Could Have Its Director Picked – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Predators’ Could Have Its Director Picked

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A lot of speculation has been going on over the past couple of weeks, ever since it was announced Robert Rodriguez’s sequel ‘Predators’ was getting its feet up off the ground. That speculation was on who would be directing this third ‘Predator’-only entry into the series, nearly 20 years after the previous one. Rodriguez said he wouldn’t be directing, and that he would only be serving as screenwriter (he wrote the treatment, Alex Litvak is penning the final draft) and producer on the project.

One popular name, and one that IMDB has already claimed as fact, being bandied about in ‘Descent’ and ‘Doomsday’ director Neil Marshall. While Marshall definitely has the chops for the job, and ‘Predators’ is a one-word title, it doesn’t start with the letter “D”, so, evidently, he is passing. That’s only half true.

There is, however, some news coming out of the Latino Review camp. They have learned exclusively that Nimrod Antal, the director behind ‘Vacancy’ and the upcoming, ‘Armored,’ is coming out as the top contender for the job. According to Latino Review, Antal’s name is at the top of a list that includes six, other, director’s names.

If you aren’t too convinced of Antal’s work from ‘Vacancy,’ you should go back and watch his first feature from 2003, ‘Kontroll.’ It is a very stylistic and original film, and it was one of our very first Movie Melting Pots here at We Are Movie Geeks. Check it out here!

So, what do you think? Is Antal a good choice for ‘Predators’? Who would you put in the director’s chair? Let us know by commenting below!

Source: Latino Review