Cruise and Abrams Reteaming for ‘Mission: Impossible 4’
It looks like J.J. Abrams’ love for the Summer gold isn’t subsiding any time soon. It has just been announced that he and Tom Cruise will be reteaming for ‘Mission: Impossible 4.’ The two have agreed to co-produce the film, which Paramount is looking to potentially have into theaters by Summer of 2011.
‘Mission: Impossible 3,’ which was the first time Cruise and Abrams worked together, raked in$134 million in domestic box office, a long way from the $180 million the first one made and the $215 million the second one made. Regardless, ‘Mission: Impossible 3’ was a huge hit overseas, pulling the film’s total, worldwide box office to just under $398 million.
There is no word on who will direct, though it will likely not be Abrams. Whispers of the ‘Star Trek’ sequel with a potential release date of Summer 2011 will probably keep him too busy to helm ‘M:I 4.’ Who knows if he will direct either sequel?
Different scenarios arise as to what the storyline could possibly be for ‘M:I 4’ and what Cruise’s role will be in the film. As soon as we hear anything, we will be sure to let you know.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter