Tribeca Review: ‘Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench’
I won’t talk for long about this film and this is not going to be much of a review. I really did not like it; however, I seemed to be one of the only people with that opinion at the festival. While I did not like it, I hope the filmmakers succeed just because they seemed to be the only real down-and-dirty DIY indie filmmakers working with little budget and a cast of unknowns. And I fully support that.
 The film reminded me of a B&W mumblecore movie infused with some jazz and a few musical numbers. The songs were not bad and may actually be catchy if I watch it again. The acting was pretty good, especially from a non-actor as one of the leads. I just did not like the screenplay nor did I care about any of the characters. The musical sequences are pretty well choreographed for such a small film, but they didn’t do much.
 Overall, this was not a film I thought I would like and I was right. If you watch a clip or view the trailer and it interests you, go see it. Although the film isn’t my cup of tea, I do wish them the best of luck. I do see this film getting picked up by someone like IFC Films.
Jerry Cavallaro –