
‘Reaper’ Season Finale: ‘The Devil and Sam Oliver’ – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Reaper’ Season Finale: ‘The Devil and Sam Oliver’

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Now let's see Daniel Webster play quarters.

I have to say after watching the season finale of Reaper I must admit I can see this show going on for at least two more seasons. It would almost seem, with where they left it off, that they’ve opened up a whole new can of worms and practically have a whole new story line they can explore. And with the way, I’m pretty sure, they want to go with it it’s definitely going to need more than the one season that I thought is all they needed to get everything done and wrapped up. There’s just so much they brought into the last ten minutes of the finale that really just changed everything.

But let me say if it does get picked up for another season and somehow does stay on The CW than it really needs to learn how to push this show. First off the commercials they had for this show were terrible and if you weren’t familiar with the show and how good it was the commercials might’ve turned you off because they made the show seem a bit weirder than it actually was, if that’s possible.
Also the pairing up of it with 90210 on the same night was the worst idea ever. Nobody watching 90210 is going to be the same audience that would dig Reaper. As I believe one commenter, thank you Heath, pointed out, that new show The Vampire Diaries would be a nice show to pair it up with.

As for the season finale I couldn’t have been happier with the way they went with it in almost all respects. They had the capturing of the soul and luckily it was one where the soul didn’t matter so much and they caught him in the first five minutes, of course not before the Devil made Sam dance like a monkey in honor of the passing of the Devil’s favorite street performer. Also what they did with the continued relationship of Ben and Nina was good and decently tensioned filled as his grandmother yet again tries to butt into his relationship but this time almost with extreme force as she brings a priest in to perform an exorcism on a special someone. I loved what they did with Sock here and how he’s racing to stop it but gets a little distracted thanks to what was crawling around in his slurpy.

And then we’ve got what we all came to see and that is the match up between Sam and the Devil and the quarters match for Sam’s soul. I thought what they did with this was pretty ingenious and that’s why I thought they may be able to finish everything off in this last episode but man was I wrong. I thought there was a chance he might be able to win his soul back all nice and clean but the way they are able to drag out through the whole episode with different twists and turns and extra souls being offered up, it was done very well. The guest appearance by Michael Ian Black as the former demon now close to being angel Steve was hilarious and actually used very well. Instead of him coming in for a few scenes and a few jokes he’s used very well throughout this episode.

Well now that’s it all over and done with we can only hope some station is willing to take a gamble on this show and let it ride out the story it has left. I don’t know why it couldn’t move to cable and do fine. Most of those shows don’t expect to get huge ratings and I think with the ratings it’s currently delivering it’d be alright. I have heard talks that ABC Studios is in negotiations to possibly put the show into syndication and would air on Sunday nights on The CW which has given the air time over to the affiliates so really that seems to be the last hope we for this show at the moment. Of course several issues have risen up there with the producers leaving the show and Tyler Labine (Sock) already being in another show on Fox next season and if it was in syndication it would have less money to work with but I think it might still have a fighting chance here.