‘Reaper’ Season Finale Tonight, plus “Business Casualty”

Bring it on CW, I got the Devil on my side.
So tonight is the season finale of Reaper and what I must sadly inform you is that this will most likely be the series finale as well. Yes sadly I happened upon the Saint Louis Post Dispatch this past weekend and they had an article on renewed and cancelled shows. Reaper happened to fall under the cancelled section, as did the rest of CW’s comedy shows, and I got to say more than likely, after tonight, it will be lost to us forever. Though it’s possible buying the second season on DVD may save it from cancellation hell, but I wouldn’t pin too many hopes on it. We must accept its fate as a show too smart for most audiences, ala Pushing Daisies, and we must watch it be crushed while middling dreck, ala Two and a Half Men, gets picked up for what feels like it must now be in the double digit seasons.
But lets not feel too down as the cancellation of great genre pushing shows has become as standard as brushing our teeth. Let’s just revel in what we have left and enjoy the many fond memories this show doled out. Such as in this episode where Sam climbs up the ruthless corporate ladder, in now way I’ve ever seen it climbed before, and finds out how much the Devil keeps his eye in practically any wrong doing a generic office skyscraper can produce. After he’s shown exactly what goes on in the top floor it’s not soon after we then find out his dad, and his cell phone bars of strength, has what he needs to get out of his deal with the Devil. The catch, of course, being that he’s stuck in the third circle of hell and there’s very little chance of him getting out. Luckily Nina, her being of the demon spawn genus, can enter, yet not without some hesitancy of having to face her love of torture, and she and Ben have a cutesy goodbye before entering the fiery flames of an elevator to Hades.
I was really hoping we’d get some glimpses into hell when her journey was made. After two seasons and enough references to the way things seem to be run down there, I was looking forward to maybe just getting a little peak into the whole operation. Also Sock gets a fun little story this week as Nina tries to set him up with a demon friend and after not digging her look too much she informs him of her ability to look like anyone, even pieces of them thrown together. This puts Sock into a Frankenstein like sequence of snapping body part pics of hot girls and jumbles them together into his most sought after beauty.
Well I hope everyone enjoys the season finale tonight. From the commercial I saw it looked like a good one and it seemed like Sam might actually be battling the Devil for his soul, so maybe we’ll actually get everything wrapped up tonight and we can all end this happily instead of leaving off in a weird spot with questions unresolved. We can hope anyway, and maybe the creators of this show will get another crack at making something just as good in the future. I’ll miss reviewing this show, it was one of my favorites, and I was glad it at least got two great seasons while others continue to plod along and destroy themselves, ala The Simpsons.