
‘Reaper’ Season 3 Request!, plus ‘To Sprong, with Love’ – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Reaper’ Season 3 Request!, plus ‘To Sprong, with Love’

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I guess we'll just sit and wait for the CW to call us.

I guess we'll just sit and wait for the CW to call us.

Well with tonight’s episode of Reaper being the second to last episode of the season, things are heating up on the old Work Bench front. Not only with the characters themselves but the show on a whole as it continues the good fight to stave off cancellation. I read in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the show is being considered a “bubble” show which means nothing has been decided for its fate but the outlook is pretty bleak. So right now I urge all true blue Reaper fans to buy the second season when it comes out in June. Yes, it is surprising to see the season go from just ending to DVD sale so hurriedly but that only goes to prove that this might be the last fight Reaper is going to take on. If enough people buy the season than it can only help a third season come about. So make sure you buy that second season in a store where you know your purchase will count towards the shows benefit.

Now I’m not saying this show should go on for season after season to come, but it’s still got one more good season in it where they can wrap everything up all nicely. I mean Sam is already on a quest to get out of his contract and with the info he already knows, plus the fact that his dad is in hell with the best cell phone coverage known to man, I think one more season could really give us the ending we deserve. Plus how can you not love any of the antics Sock gets himself into whether its stripper clowns or, like in this episode, where he becomes the new Work Bench mascot Wrenchie Bench and he completely owns it. I’ve never seen a better corporate mascot in my life and he really pulls off a good mascot mashup grudge match.

Then there’s the ever budding romances of the other characters as Sam and Andi seem poised to yet again get back together but they continue to dangle that string over our heads and pull it back up one more time. In this episode we also get to see Ben protect Nina as she devolves into her more primal demon instincts and goes into a demon heat. Yes it’s mating season for all hell spawn and there’s nothing they want more than some of Nina. Fortunately Ben will be having none of it and has a little mashup grudge match of his own as he suits up, armor and chain mail style, and lets no demon get to his woman.

And if that’s not enough to keep this show around there’s still the main soul ctaching plot point where they have to capture their old biology teacher. He’s played here by Michael McDonald of MadTV dame and he’s decently funny as the assholiest teacher you may have had in your past, but may not actually be the soul they so desire. So tonight make sure to watch you some Reaper for we are approaching the end of the season and more than likely the show itself. Just remember that in the end the fans hold the true fate of a show and if we can rally and get shows like Jericho and Roswell, if anyone remembers saving that one, back on for at least one more season than don’t we owe the Devil’s favorite slackers the same?