
James McTeigue Could Be Replacing Ratner on ‘Conan’ – We Are Movie Geeks


James McTeigue Could Be Replacing Ratner on ‘Conan’

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Just days ago, we brought you news that Brett Ratner was off the ‘Conan’ project, and the world rejoiced.   Today, we bring you news of Ratner’s possible replacement.   A trusted source has explained to CHUD that the name at the top of the producers’ list is James McTeigue, director of ‘V for Vendetta’ and the upcoming ‘Ninja Assassin.’

The source also told CHUD that much of the film’s production budget could go with Ratner, and that McTeigue’s film might be a much cheaper film than what was originally planned.   At last word, the budget for ‘Conan’ was set at $120 million, but that amount will likely be cut.   This hasn’t been much of an issue for McTeigue, whose $54-million ‘V for Vendetta’ looked like a Summer blockbuster.

Nothing is set in stone as far as McTeigue stepping into the director’s role, but his name is being bandied about.   We’ll bring you the first word as soon as anything definite comes out.

What do you think?   Who would be a good replacement for Ratner?   Who would make a good Conan?   What do you think of McTeigue’s work in the past?   Let us know by commenting below!

Source: CHUD