
In Case You Missed It Monday: ‘Paradise Lost’ 1 & 2 – We Are Movie Geeks

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In Case You Missed It Monday: ‘Paradise Lost’ 1 & 2

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Since this is West Memphis 3 week here on then its only fitting for us to first talk about the ‘Paradise Lost’ documentaries. Done by famed documentarians Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, the 2 part documentary chronicles the happenings of the case from beginning, up till the appeals process starting in 2000.

What is so special about these documentaries is the fact that anyone can watch them and immediately start wondering just how the hell a jury was able to convict these 3 young men with ZERO evidence.

‘Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills’ was made in 1996 which is 2 years after the conviction of Damien, Jason and Jesse. The doc follows the events after the murders happened, the arrests, trials and eventual conviction of the WM3.

You get a gruesome look into the real life situations of small town America’s justice system. A system which has allowed for 3 innocent men to be imprisoned for the last 16 years. You also get a very scary glimpse into the life of John Mark Byers, the step father of Christopher Byers. He really puts up a good front in the film and attempts to come off as less of a creep than he really is. I will tell you this boys and girls, living down the street from this guy still gives me nightmares. To think of what he is capable of(for the record: I am not accusing anyone here, I witnessed first hand his abuse and neglect of Christopher) is unnerving.

While watching the first documentary you find yourself questioning whether they are guilty or not and its in ‘Paradise Lost: Revelations’ that will seal your thoughts on the case. The sequel drops a bomb on the reality that these guys are only guilty of trying to express themselves in a small town where it is frowned upon. Any evidence the city of West Memphis presented during the trials, which is very slim, is refuted and you slowly become infuriated at the fact that they are still living out their days in prison.

The onslaught of John Mark Byers is even more present here, but this time he is trying to make you beleive he is a broken man since the mysterious death of his wife Melissa. His scenes in the film are really ridiculous and its obvious that he is attempting to bring himself into the spotlight.

‘Paradise Lost 3’ is currently in post production and hopefully we will get to see it very soon, I cant wait to see John Mark Byers in the movie promoting his book and spouting off at how much of a supporter he is now.

These movies should be required viewing and will really make you sick to think this can really happen. If you havent seen them please go out and buy the dvd’s which now come in a set.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.