DVD Review: ‘Timecrimes’
The Movie:
More than likely, you are reading this expecting another horror thriller. Or, maybe you heard the rumor that this film was going to be remade by David Cronenberg. Either way, welcome. Before I start this, let it be known that Jeremy already wrote a review about this film when it was playing at the St. Louis International Film Festival this past November. I stress that this is not only a review of the film, but of the Region 1 DVD presentation as well.
‘Timecrimes’ is best experienced knowing little about it. Yes, you probably know it is a time travel movie. I can say that it is not a traditional time travel film though, as the character doesn’t understand the science until he is learning through process. Our main character, while relaxing in his backyard, scopes out with his binoculars a woman undressing. That’s what I thought men, you are already interested. He later sees & is chased by a man covered in bloody bandages.
Honestly, to tell you any more about this film would probably ruin your experience. Jeremy gave it a 2.5 out of 5 on his review, but I think it deserves better. I think everyone went into this film expecting something totally different. Let’s face it, it was covered on the main horror sites & it has a character that looks iconic and menacing…sounds like a horror movie to me. It’s not. It is more of a mystery thriller, and if you expect a horror movie – you will be disappointed. You are placed in the man’s shoes as he tries to right the wrongs of his past “segments”, but you the viewer are slightly one step ahead of him.
The film is a puzzle and boy is it fun to try to piece together. I have watched this film about 3 times now and it is so much fun. To me, it has replay value. It’s smart & calculated. At times, it almost reminded me of ‘Memento’ with how it linked everything. It is not done in the same style as that film, but there are things that are explained as you progress through the film.
I recommend seeing this film as soon as possible. Especially if you love time travel films.
DVD Features:
This DVD has some great extras on it. They include a Making Of & Make-up featurettes, Cast & Crew Interviews along with a Photo Gallery and Teaser Trailer. Also included is Vigalondo’s short film “7:35 de la mañana (7:35 in the morning)” which has some tasty flavor behind it. It is a great little short to check out. Also included is an extensive look at the Timecrimes viral campaign that ran in Spain. Vigalondo explains how he was inspired by the Lost ARG (Alternate Reality Game) to creat something to have people feel more involved and have more back story once they see the film. The featurettes, 5 in total, end up running about 35 minutes all together. It’s a neat look at how they tried to blend the story into real life and is fun to watch.
[Overall: 4 out of 5 – Rent the damn thing already!]