
DVD Review: ‘The Uninvited’ – We Are Movie Geeks

DVD Review

DVD Review: ‘The Uninvited’

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Another mediocre horror film. It seems that I haven’t really been that impressed by a horror film in some time. At least not the new ones that have been coming out. Jeremy does a pretty good job with explaining the movie so I will just get to my review of it.

Emily Browning, the character of Anna, is a very like-able character. There is something very angelic and beautiful about her. They did a pretty darn good job of casting her. I have nothing bad to say about Elizabeth Banks either. I have liked her in all of her movies, and in the past year she has had five movies come out, yet she still hasn’t quite reached the household name status. She can play just about any role though and I really believe that we will be seeing and hearing a lot more from her. Arielle Kebbel, who plays Alex, Anna’s sister, does a great job as well. There is something very like-able about her on screen. She plays the typical teenager very well.

If it is not the cast, then it must be the storyline that made this movie so middle of the road. The movie itself was not scary. It had a couple little jumps in it but no thriller moments. I think that they could have done a much better job with Anna not remembering what had happened to her mother and the signs that were appearing before her.I don’t want to just give it away, but the majority of the movie either didn’t tie in well together or was just plain predictable. Even the ending. The ending didn’t really make much sense, especially about the pearls. I can make a couple guesses about them, but nothing is ever really said to explain it so it leaves the audience, myself included, slightly confused.

I feel like they went too much off of The Grudge and The Ring with this one. The horror and the design of it, along with the scenery has all been done before. It could have been done in a way that at least made audiences thinking that it was cool instead of instantly saying “What a rip off!”. Quit ripping off Asian horror films and trying to make them cooler! It doesn’t really work!

There arent very many cool special features to mention either, so this makes for an overall pretty mediocre dvd/film purchase.

[Overall: 2.5 stars out of 5]

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.