
Blu-Ray Review: ‘Star Trek’ picture trilogy – We Are Movie Geeks

Blu-Ray Review

Blu-Ray Review: ‘Star Trek’ picture trilogy

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When I tell you that I know nothing about ‘Star Trek’, you should understand that until now I have never seen an episode or any of the feature films. After watching ‘Star Trek’ twice last week it made me want to go back and check out the original stuff. Everyone told me dont mess with the first one, just skip on to ‘Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan’.

The DVD’s:

I got the motion picture trilogy(Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”, “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock”, and “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home”) in the mail on Thursday night and immediately popped it in so I could become a little more up to date on the original material. I feel like less of a geek for having never seen it before now but give me a break, my parents werent into this stuff and I was never exposed to it.

After seeing how crisp and clean it looks on Blu, I wanted to also see what the old school dvd release look like. There isnt a HUGE difference but enough that I would only want to see it on Blu-Ray from now on. The biggest difference I noticed was the color difference and the surround sound, the blu-ray sound is outstanding and if you have it please use it when you watch these. My favorite was obviously ‘Wrath of Kahn’ but I definitely think that all 3 of them should be required viewing to get the full effect of ‘Star Trek’.

It is a major undertaking sitting down and watching all 3 of these but I am glad that I can finally reference this stuff and see where that stigma of Trekkies comes from. I absolutely loved the new installment that J.J. Abrams has brought to the world, and I think that anyone could watch it and be totally taken back but I cant say the same for the originals. Its easy to see why the super geeks love them but I definitely wont be recommending these to people who arent really into sci-fi or geeky films.

If you are a Trekkie or a major fan of the originals then you need to own this set. For the super fans you can also pick up the “Original Motion Picture Collection” on Blu-Ray and DVD which includes all 6 films.

The Bonus Features:

These 3 dvds are action packed with bonus features that you couldnt get on the original DVD release. My favorite by far was “Captain’s Log” which chronicles all of the problems the cast and crew had in order to make these feature length films. There are great interviews with a bunch of “important” cast and crew members.

All in all there are about 90 minutes of bonus features that you havent been able to get anywhere else previously and 6 hours of features that were included on various DVD releases.

If you like/liked Star Trek make sure you go and pick up a copy of your own.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.