
‘Avatar’ Getting Three-Month IMAX Run – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Avatar’ Getting Three-Month IMAX Run

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It’s been nearly 12 years since James Cameron had a feature film released in theaters, and everyone is anticipating ‘Avatar,’ his next film.   Everyone including the people at IMAX.   They are giving ‘Avatar’ a three-month release in IMAX theaters across the country.   To compare, ‘Star Trek’ only got a two-week run in IMAX theaters.

Now, this is certainly occurring for two different reasons.   One, IMAX has a lot of faith in Cameron’s ability to draw a crowd.   Millions of people around the world are going to want to see ‘Avatar’ in the best way possible, and IMAX theaters are the best out there.

The other reason this is happening is because no other films are releasing their films in IMAX.   IMAX has the final word, but the fact that Cameron’s film is coming out near the end of December puts it in a rather lucrative position for IMAX.   Certainly, no major releases in January or February will warrant an IMAX release, and nothing is slated for IMAX until March 5th sees the release of Tim Burton’s ‘Alice in Wonderland.’

IMAX still hopes that by the end of 2010, they will have enough theaters nationwide to release more than one major film on their screens.

‘Avatar’ is set for release on December 18th.

Source: NY Times