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And, we are back… no thanks to Servage Hosting.
Well sorry for the delay but we unexpectadly went down on Wednesday because apparently we got more than 500,000 hits in one day. Even though we have a massive amount of transfer that we hadnt used they(Servage, our OLD hosting company) still decided to suspend the database that runs WeAreMovieGeeks.com. After 2 days of work and debating back and forth with them we are now back up and running. Things might be a little quirky for the next couple of days but rest assured we will be back to normal by monday.
Also if you are considering starting a site, movie blog, or anything similar to that please choose someone other than Servage because..they suck and they kept everyone from getting their WAMG fill for the last 2 days. Word of advice, skip them at all costs boys and girls.