WB offers HD-DVD to Blu-Ray Mail Program
To be a movie geek, one must know the suffering of everchanging technology. Warner Bros. is trying to make it easier on us though. Last month, Travis reported on how WB was going to release some obscure films via a website that will send you a studio quality copy DVD-R for the film you order. Yes, it would be barebones, but oh well.
Now, WB is helping out the early adopters of Hi-Def. With Red2blu.com, you can now trade in your HD-DVD of ‘Under Seige’ for a Blu-Ray copy.
However, you will have to pay about $5 (unless you are trading a collection) and then about $7 in shipping. This could save you money, or being the movie geek you are might just make you hold on to that precious HD-DVD copy for memorabilia sake. Just don’t get it lost with your laserdiscs or BetaMax tapes.
Hop on over to Red2blu.com to see what titles are available.