
‘Star Trek’ will be Plastered Everywhere! – We Are Movie Geeks

Coming to Theaters

‘Star Trek’ will be Plastered Everywhere!

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The newest installment in the ‘Star Trek’ franchise is on it’s way, thanks to sci-fi fanboy and producer/director J.J. Abrams. Just in case no one has heard about the new movie, a massive marketing campaign is under way to ensure not a single person ends up asking “wait, there is a new Star Trek movie?”

You’ve already seen the trailers and TV commercials, but keep an eye out for Star Trek to appear on virtually every facet of you daily life. An estimated $50 million marketing partnership will be unveiled featuring some well-known advertising icons that have been Trekked Out.

Included in these icons are Kellogg’s Tony the Tiger, Burger King’s freaky King mascot and Erin from Esurance, all of whom will appear in Star Trek themes advertising. Tony the Tiger, for example, will be throwing up “Live Long and Prosper” signs and Kelloggs will be placing beam-up badges into boxes of cereal, including Apple Jacks and Fruit Loops. There’s even going to be limited edition boxes of cereal containing Starfleet insignia-shaped marshmallows. Good luck getting your hands on these however, as I predict Trekkies will be buying them in droves, never to be opened.

Burger King, along with cellular giants Verizon and Nokia, have shot commercials and are using actual sets and crew members from the movie. Burger King will obviously be venturing into marketing territory in it’s restaurants with movie-themed cups, toys and kid’s meals. Esurance will sponsor a ‘Star Trek’ movie night at AT&T Park for a San Fransisco Giants game as well as other sporting events.

Who knows what else will pop up? Kelloggs is going to be one of the most visible partners. They are also planning in-store displays of movie-themed packages for popular items including Pop Tarts, Eggo Waffles, Cheez-Its and Keebler Cookies, featuring sweepstakes, swag giveaways and movie ticket offers.

So, prepare yourself for Trek-overdose as we venture closer to it’s release in theaters on May 7/8, 2009. I’ve already predicted that ‘Star Trek’ will be the biggest grossing movie of the summer and it appears Paramount and their marketing partners are banking on that.

[source: Hollywood Reporter]

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end