TV Review
TV Review: ‘Heroes’ Episode: ‘Turn and Face the Strange’
With only a few episodes left in the season, Heroes is really cranking up the intense action as we lead up to whatever cliff hanger we will invariably be tossed upon. Starting pretty much off from last week we see that Bennet thinks Sylar is dead and Sylar and Dangko are still working as a team of extreme evilness and Sylar can’t stop himself from using his brand spanking new shape shifting power to annoy Dangko and mingle with people who want to rip his head off. As in one scene where Bennet’s wife shows up because agents have raided the house and Claire is gone and she’s quite pissed that her husband never spends anytime with her. Bennet is not helped in this situation by Dangko coming up and introducing himself and walking around the place like he’s the cock of the walk, but of course it turns out to be Sylar just playing around as he walks into the bathroom and we see the real Dangko taking a number one. Here we are informed that Sylar doesn’t plan on killing Bennet, he plans on destroying him, bum bum BUM!
From there we get some more baby time with Hiro and Ando as they are traveling along trying to find Matt Parkman and unload his baby on him. They remind me of an old married couple as they bicker around a bit but that’s probably more than intentional. Eventually the car dies and then they find that the baby can restart it, only when he’s happy of course, and that Ando must make a face that is pure Pikachu looking all the way. Then the mystery gets ratcheted up as we hear the name Coyote Sands and that Nathan and Claire are planning on meeting Peter and Angela Petrelli there and that she will be telling them everything they want to know. So sounds like some pretty intense information will be hung above our heads like a carrot by the end of the episode and then the whole to be continued thing will pop up and we’ll have to wait until next week or maybe even the week after to find out what Coyote sands is all about.
Then we have Suresh and Parkman and Parkman is all up in arms after the death of Daphne, one of my more favorite characters and I hope it turns out she comes back somehow but probably won’t, and now he is on a full blooded revenge to take Dangko out. Suresh asks if that’s what he really wants and I for one say hell yes, the guy strapped a bomb to his chest and made him look like a terrorist for God’s sake. Parkman eventually, through the use of his powers, finds the woman that Dangko most cares about and finds out she don’t know much about what Dangko is all about, and apparently thinks his name is Jacob. So Parkman shows up at Dangko’s apartment and forces him to her the truth and that he kills people and is not so good a guy. Then, trying to be a big bad tough, Parkman tries to shoot Dangko’s confused lady but drops his gun and Dangko pulls his and very much shoots to kill but is very much stopped by Hiro, in a very cool gun, bullet, Matrix kind of scene, and drags Matt out of there before his blood comes pouring out of him. He then gets to meet his son for the first time and overjoyedness abounds.
I do give it to this episode on behalf of Mr. Bennet because he gets jerked around like crazy throughout the whole thing. We get a scene where his wife shows up and gives him divorce papers and really lays down some crushing words but then it turns out that it had been Sylar in disguise the whole time. Bennet does find this out, the signature on the papers don’t match up, and he then puts a gun to his wife’s head thinking its Sylar but luckily a trusty call from their son Lyle, I feel bad for this actor because he isn’t used worth a dung heap, proves who she is and she tosses him out pissed as ever. Then he confronts Dangko no knowing that he’s working with Sylar and he shoots an agent believing it to be Sylar in disguise and the guy does and now Bennet himself is on the run. It actually was Sylar but apparently he can squeeze out his blood for extra dramatic effect.
So now, close to the end, everyone is meeting up at Coyote Sands and Angela tosses them a bunch of shovels and tell them to dig up the past. From the side story with Suresh, who has moved back into his old apartment and found some old files of his dad’s, all we find out about the place is where they may have performed a bunch of government experiments and something about a project called Iccharus. And what do they find from only a few feet of displaced earth? Well a human skull of course and the more than likely chance of more to be found. So there we our left and thus we must wait another week until more is unfurled before us and the yarn continues to unravel.