
Lionsgate Shooting Down ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ Sequel, says Director – We Are Movie Geeks


Lionsgate Shooting Down ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ Sequel, says Director

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Director Patrick Lussier, speaking at the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors in LA, said this past weekend that Lionsgate has no interest in putting together a sequel to ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D.’

According to Lussier, the studio was surprised at the film’s success at the box office, but doesn’t want to develop a follow-up and would prefer to leave the film as a one-shot.   Lussier’s film, released on January 16th, has made $71.8 million worldwide off of a $15 million budget.

Just days after ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ came out, Lussier and writer Todd Farmer mentioned to that they had mapped out a continuation of the film.   Perhaps Lussier and Farmer can shop the idea for a sequel around Hollywood, but there’s no telling what Lionsgate will make of this if the sequel ideas actually get bites.   We’ll keep you posted.

What do you think?   Should a sequel to ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ get made?   Is Lionsgate making the right decision in keeping the film as a one-shot?   Let us know by commenting below!

Source: Shock Till You Drop