
Is your Movie Studio’s twitter account “doing it” right? – We Are Movie Geeks

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Is your Movie Studio’s twitter account “doing it” right?

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Twitter is taking over the world..seriously. Almost every movie studio, hipster celeb, fanboy, and movie website has a twitter account for one reason or another. Some of them are doing it right, and some of them aren’t doing it at all. For example, some movie studios rarely tweet anything, they have an account primarily to track their movies, follow movie sites to see what they thought or if they are breaking embargo, and generally just suck the fun out of twitter(you cant tell me that posting 437 messages a day isnt fun you movie jerks).

When I say that some of them are doing it right I am of course talking about @MiramaxFilms who recently saw a twitter message from user @omgamandaa that asked the question “Ugh WHY IS ADVENTURELAND NOT ON TORRENTS YET?”. Due to the fact that on twitter you can search for pretty much anything, Miramax was seeking out the term “Adventureland” and came across this tweet, so they responded to her:


Obviously freaked out, and probably scared she responded “Okay I won’t, JUST FOR YOU”. I mean who would think that the studio would be checking YOUR twitter messages about their movie. Studios are uptight, tie wearing corporate dudes who only care about the $$ the movie makes right? Not always, because Miramax responded with:


So because they want people to see their movie instead of downloading it they offered her a fandango promo code for 2 free tickets to see ‘Adventureland’, this is a prime example of a studio doing it right on twitter.

This is just one small example of how freaking awesome @Miramaxfilms is on twitter, recently I was trying to get up to 800 followers on our twitter account so they saw my tweet asking for help to get to there and they posted this:


Now some people could just say they are being nice to get us to write good things about their movies..well if they didn’t put out such freaking awesome movies I could agree with you there. Ill forgive them for ‘Blindness’, but that’s a whole different write up.

They also recently featured a tweetup to support ‘Adventureland’ in which @GregMottola was in attendance so you could hang out, ask questions and just generally chill with other movie people. We did a write up on that check it out here.

So movie studios take note, if you are on twitter do yourself and the company a favor..interact with people! Post some freaking updates and be more than just a spam bot.s yo

Thanks to Cinematical for the quotes from @omgamandaa.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.