
In Case You Missed It Monday… ‘Diggstown’ – We Are Movie Geeks


In Case You Missed It Monday… ‘Diggstown’

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What better day than Monday to have an article about movies you might have missed. Every Monday we are going to bring you a new movie that you might have missed and tell you why you should see it. Enjoy..

My wife had never seen ‘Diggstown’ so when flipping through the channels last week it was on Encore(or one of the movie channels) so I decided now was a better time than any to introduce her to one of my favorite movies.

Although this movie doesnt have a huge audience today, you can find it pretty cheap at most stores just dont expect alot from the DVD. The movie stars James Woods, Louis Gossett Jr, Oliver Platt and a very young Heather Graham before she dawned the skates for Roller Girl.

The film is about Gabriel Caine who is about to be released from prison and has setup the ultimate con on an unsuspecting small town nearby. With the help of his partner Fitz(Oliver Platt) they schedule a boxing match where their guy, ‘Honey’ Roy Palmer(Louis Gossett Jr) fight 10 Diggstown opponents in a 24 hour period. Little do they know that the guy who they made the bet with John Gillon(Bruce Dern) has everyone in the town in his pocketbook.

There are a bunch of subplots in the movie, including one about the boxer the town is named after, but the main storyline shows ‘Honey’ Roy Palmer attempt to get in shape enough to box all 10 opponents in 24 hours, or else lose all of the money that Gabriel has taken out on loan from gangster/loan shark.

There are alot of comedy elements, but some very serious pieces of the story as well but the movie comes off very entertaining and enjoyable. By the end you will be rooting for ‘Honey’ Roy Palmer as if you were there..or had bet money on him.

Check out the trailer below:

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.