
In Case You Missed it Monday… ‘Harsh Times’ – We Are Movie Geeks


In Case You Missed it Monday… ‘Harsh Times’

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‘Harsh Times’ was released in 2006, about a year after ‘Batman Begins’ in which Christian Bale played the polar opposite of his role in this gritty drama. Bale stars as Jim Davis, a former military ranger who is trying to adjust back to a civilian lifestyle. His best friend Mike(Rodriguez) is trying to find a legit job to appease his lawyer wife(Eva Longoria). Jim and Mike set start off each day with the mission of dropping off resumes to find job but usually end us drinking, doing some sort of drugs and getting into debauchery.

Jim also has a girlfriend that lives in Mexico with her family and he is trying to get a good paying job so they can get married and she can come live with him in LA. After failing a psych test for the LAPD, Jim gets an offer from the homeland security to come and head up a drug task for that will be relocating to Colombia. Taking the job would mean that he will have to put his plans on hold.

The above synopsis might paint the picture that Jim(Bale) is a nice guy, which is the complete opposite as you will be able to tell if you watch the fighting scene below.

I left alot of the movie out of the above snyposis because I dont want to ruin it for you guys. The movie is pretty thick and has a lot of heavy storyline to it. If you are a fan of Christian Bale(who isnt?), and you like those really gritty cop dramas then you will fall in love with this movie because its almost the same thing, except Jim isnt a cop.

Here is the trailer:

Here is a badass fight scene in the movie:

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.