Heroes Time! Episode Review: “Into Asylum”

Peter and his mom decide to disrupt the church service by having a clandestine meeting.
I have to give it up somehow to this week’s episode of Heroes because this was possibly the weirdest episode I’ve seen all season. This week the focus stays on three sets of characters and for the most part it just feels like nothing interesting is going on in at least two of them. I mean the one with Sylar and Dangko is pretty cool but when it comes to the story arcs with Peter and his mom and Nathan and Claire I was left with a feeling of so what and where were you going with this. It may have been my attention was somewhat diverted during the episode but besides the overall general idea of what they were going for I felt I didn’t get too much more out of them than that.
Let’s start off with Nathan and Claire. As was seen previously between them, Nathan rescued Claire from agents that were raiding her house and they flew away together. Now we see that their best plan is to fly away to Mexico and hang out in a cheapo motel for a few days. They have their usual talks of how he hasn’t been the greatest father and how hunting people with abilities maybe wasn’t the greatest plan to put into action but other than that there’s not anything really new brought to the table. Strangely enough we do get to see a scene where Nathan starts a tequila drinking contest with some southbound frat boys so they can earn a little extra money but even that never gets overly interesting. Eventually Nathan is drunk other the table and it becomes Claire’s responsibility to take over where dad left off and finish off these frat fools.
After she does win she carts the drunk Nathan back to the hotel room and they have a discussion about this and that as Nathan stumbles around the room drunk and eventually passes out. By the end of the episode they are leaving the hotel and Nathan has sweetly bought back the necklace she had sold to get them some start up money because her other dad, guy in horn rimmed glasses, had bought it for her and meant something to her I’m sure. Then they walk off hand in hand and seem like they are now becoming chummy with each other. And thus ends one wild weekend in Mexico as they head of to wherever it is they are headed now.
Then we have the story of Peter and his mom which really seems to give us even less than the story with Nathan and Claire. First off theirs takes place in a church through the whole episode. At least and Nathan and Claire could give us a little debauchery with the tequila drink off they started. But here all we get is Peter meeting his mom at a church, apparently the same one she married his father and he received his first communion if it even matters, and they talk about this and they talk about that and it seems they spend hours there and it looks like a lot of praying gets done. Eventually some agents track them down to there and they hide out in the confessional. Someone soon decides to check there and finds they are hiding but it turns out to be Mr. Bennet and he tells his colleagues that it’s all clear and besides that nothing else really goes on with these two.
Now getting to the real story we have a bit of a team up between Sylar and Dango. Apparently a person with the ability to shape shift into other people is being hunted down but, for obvious reasons, he’s a bit of a hard catch. So, for no other reason than I’m sure to get a brand spanking new ability, Sylar contacts Dangko and decides to help him out with hunting down the shape shifter. There is a pretty cool chase scene where it turns out one of Dangkos men is dead and has been replaced by the shape shifter and they chase the guy through the building and parking garage and he escapes from their grasp and is back on the loose.
So Sylar takes Dangko to the guys apartment and they soon establish how this guy operates and soon track him down to a club. This is where it gets really cool as it turns out the guy has stolen Danko’s face and is macking pretty heavy on a lady with it. Dangko should be kind of happy I’d think seeing how his face is doing so well with the ladies but his overall facial expression upon seeing this doesn’t really convey to me that he’s happy in anyway. Eventually they lose track of him again and we cut back to Dangko meeting up with Sylar and saying they should head out and Dangko turns and shoots Sylar, the shape shifter cleverly disguised yet again, and then the real Sylar shows up and takes his ability. We leave off with Dangko and Syler leaving the body looking like Sylar and getting Bennet believing they’ve actually killed Sylar. Not a bad plan but I mean once Sylar starts doing his thing again won’t people just realize he isn’t really dead. This plan only seems to really buy him a few days of people not looking for him and that’s it. Oh well, I guess we’ll see how they deal with it next week.