
‘GI Joe’ Trailer Does Wonders for French Relations – We Are Movie Geeks


‘GI Joe’ Trailer Does Wonders for French Relations

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Not exactly sure what to make of this.   On one hand, it’s typical, Stephen Sommers’ CG explosions, loud explosions, green explosions (the guy’s got a thing for green explosions), and basically every, silly element that makes ‘Van Helsing’ the hated film it is today.

On the other hand, it’s friggin’ ‘GI Joe,’ people.   It’s Snake Eyes leaping from a flipping (literally flipping.   That’s no euphemism.)   SUV to land, picture-perfect on top of another car.   It’s Cobra tearing ass through Paris, collapsing the Eiffel Tower on top of screaming, fleeing, French people.   It’s Mr. Eko telling Marlon Wayans exactly where he can stick his accelerator suit.

Just see it for yourself:

‘GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra’ comes out on August 7th.   The population of Paris, France gets cut in half August 8th.

Source: Allocine