
‘Airborne’ needs to be on DVD, but it isnt – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Airborne’ needs to be on DVD, but it isnt

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Back in 1993, when I was a youngster and really into roller hockey I was cruising around the local video store and ran across this movie called ‘Airborne’. The movie is about a teenager from California who loves to surf and rollerblade but gets sent to Ohio to live with his cousin in the middle of winter. With no way to surf he takes up his rollerblades and starts skating, only to find out that roller blading/hockey was a pretty big deal around there.You also get your typical love story, mixed with the new/strange guy at school who has to deal with bullies storyline.

The movie starred Shane McDermott(his first and only movie), Seth Green and Jack Black in his 2nd movie role. Now I know that alot of you havent heard of this movie but its pretty freaking good, not good in the sense its an epic movie that should have won an oscar, but good in the fact that I really enjoyed watching it and get all giddy when I see it on TV. Recently when I was trying to get this on DVD, I couldnt because it has never been released on DVD in the US and is in jeopardy of being lost with VHS. This would be a travesty and we need to let WB know this movie has an audience on DVD! Check out some of this goodness below:

We even found a picture of Jack Black as Augie:


And how about some Seth Green action as the cousin Wiley:


Here is a clip of Mitchell calling one of his bullies “Bra”, or “Bro” if you arent from California. In the clip you can see a young Jack Black!

Here is a skating montage from the film as well:

So do us a favor and email WB about this movie if you want to see it have a new life on DVD. Email them here:

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.