
‘Watchmen’ Character Montage… Dr. Manhattan – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Watchmen’ Character Montage… Dr. Manhattan

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All this week, ‘Watchmen’ is running montages, each one centered around a different character, on different shows on NBC, Sci-Fi, and USA.   Last night during a shownig of ‘National Treasure’, the clip for Dr. Manhattan aired, but you can check it out right here:

Honestly, I’m kind of trying to avoid these.   I have read the ‘Watchmen’ graphic novel, so the storyline isn’t really going to be a surprise for me.   However, I really don’t want to see all that much more than I’ve already seen before sitting down with my popcorn and Diet Coke to watch the movie in full.   From what little of this clip that I actually watched, it seems to show quite a bit, something I’m sure all the clips will do.

If you just have to see these clips as they air, here is the schedule as announced by Warner Brothers:

* March 1 – Clip montage featuring Dr. Manhattan airs exclusively during “National Treasure” on USA Network.
* March 2 – Clip montage featuring Rorschach airs exclusively during “Heroes” on NBC.
* March 4 – Clip montage featuring Ozymandias airs exclusively during “Ghost Hunters International” on SCI FI.
* March 5 – Clip montage featuring Nite Owl airs exclusively during “Battlestar Galactica” on SCI FI.
* March 5 – Clip montage featuring Silk Spectre II airs exclusively during “Burn Notice” on USA Network.
* March 5 – Clip montage featuring The Comedian airs exclusively during “30 Rock” on NBC.

You can also check out the clips the day after they air over at

Enjoy.   We are a mere 80 hours away!

Source: NBC