
TV Review: ‘Reaper’ Season 2: “The Favorite” – We Are Movie Geeks

TV Review

TV Review: ‘Reaper’ Season 2: “The Favorite”

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Since we are all big TV geeks we thought it would be best to start doing TV reviews as well, so here we are. Id like to introduce you to our newest reviewer Nick Kloppenberg who will be handling a good amount of TV reviews for us. Here is his first(posted, we have a big backlog of reviews to post).

All I can say about this show is that please, PLEASE, CW don’t cancel it.   I’m not even sure if they would, even though they didn’t help it with such a late season start, but I beg them on knees not to.   I mainly say this because this was one hell of a good episode.   It had everything going for it.   First off we get the appearance of the Devil’s favorite son who is bailed out of jail thanks to a thousand dollars that Sam had just won.   So him and Sam don’t exactly get off on the best start.   And from there you can pretty much see where the episode is going to go as the Devil has his favorite son tag along with Sam as he hunts his next soul so that he can learn a few things and stop getting into so much trouble.   But seeing how his dad is the Devil it seems kind of hypocritical of him to not want his son to be so bad.   I guess it’s more that he doesn’t want his son to be such an arrogant douche bag anymore, which he, I can deeply assure you, is.

The soul is of very little consequence to the overall picture and his back story is laid out pretty quick and I will do so the same here.   Apparently the soul is a very greedy man and upon his death bed ate all of his gold coins so that nobody could get them.   Though if I was there when he died I don’t think I’d having any qualms about slicing the old fool up and getting some sweet ass treasure.   But now all the gold in him he uses as his little minions and they turn into gold beetles that fly into your ears and I guess make your brain explode.   So now he is collecting all of his prized possessions that have been stolen from him which includes a painting of himself and a boat.   The douche son ends up stealing a ring from him and assumes the old soul won’t notice it, but seeing how he has a meticulous list of everything he owns I’m gonna say he’ll probably come after it.

We also get to see some more stuff going on between Ben and his demon girlfriend Nina.   They do a relationship quiz and as Ben prizes her for her bedroom abilities, she gives him a bit of the cold shoulder and makes it seem like she is really not that into sex.   She then later runs into an old demon flame who is as jockey asshole looking as they come and says that their relationship was mostly physical.   Ben, of course, not taking this well comes to the decision that he will have sex with her while she is in her demon form because he assumes that is the only way she can really enjoy sex.   He brings along a fairly large bottle of alcohol so as not to be disgusted and she flies away in disgust.   Later we find out she is just holding back because all the way back near the beginning of time she was an angel and she had a lover that was human and was her first true and when God found out he smote the dude and turned her into a demon so it’s hard for her to connect with another human after that.   I do like hearing about the entire back story with God and the angels and demons.   It’s great to hear how the world beyond this world runs and all the weird stuff they get into over there.

In Sock’s story this week we have the former manager Ted who is hanging around the parking lot helping people with their bags because he is apparently a guy with no life and nothing better to do.   Sock then gets the bright idea to subcontract all his work to Ted for a sixty, forty split so he can take a four hour nap while at work.   This of course can’t go on forever and Annie sees Ted doing Sock’s work and tells Sock he has to get rid of Ted.   In the end though she gets corporate to hire Ted back as a trainee and in revenge have Sock be his trainer for six months.

Back to the soul and the whole douche son story line, he comes along for the ride and makes a pretty typical mess.   To get the painting out of the gallery that it his housed he breaks the window with a cement block and informs they have three to four minutes until the cops show up.   Sam is deeply annoyed by the dude and even more so when his friends come to admire the guy and form what I guess could be now called a bromance thanks to recent pop culture.   Even his girlfriend has nothing bad to say about the guy.   In the end they capture the soul after he comes back for his ring, as we all knew he would, and upon vanishing leaves all the gold that was in his stomach laying all over the place.   Sam tries to take the gold after it’s not wanted but the Devil swoops in and stirs up his emotions by prying the gold from his hands and giving it to the favorite son.   And to add even more on his shoulders, Sam delivers a deep freezer to his mom’s house and finds that his dad is alive, or at least undead and hanging out in the garage.   I’ve been wondering all season what happened to his dad and I can’t wait to hear the explanation on this one

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.