
‘Public Enemies’ Poster Couldn’t Be Cooler – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Public Enemies’ Poster Couldn’t Be Cooler

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MSN got the exclusive on the poster release for the Michael Mann-directed, Johnny Depp and Christian Bale-starring gangster film, ‘Public Enemies’.   You can check it out above.

This is a pretty sweet poster.   Gotta love Depp’s ’30s-style, Dillinger getup.   The only thing about the poster that I would like to have seen changed is to have Bale’s name on the same level as Depp’s.   I like the idea of these two powerhouses starring together in a film where they are on opposite sides of the law.   Seeing Bale’s name underneath the film’s title makes me think it might be mostly about Depp’s Dillinger with Bale’s Melvin Purvis only playing a minor role.

Regardless, this is one of my most anticipated film of the Summer.   If it is anything like ‘Road to Perdition’, the best film of 2002, it is going to kick major tail.   With Mann at the helm and with Depp and Bale starring, there isn’t much more that could make this film better.

‘Public Enemies’ comes out on Wednesday, July 1st.

Source: MSN