
Michael Bay Says No ‘Transformers 3’ Until 2012 – We Are Movie Geeks


Michael Bay Says No ‘Transformers 3’ Until 2012

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Seems like Paramount screwed the pooch. Everyone was reporting it… even us. Variety said earlier today that Paramount/Dreamworks had claimed the July 1, 2011 date for ‘Transformers 3.’ The article stated, “the studio wanted to claim the date before a competitor did, considering that the 2011 summer release calendar is filling up.”

But according to Nikki Finke over at the always enjoyable Deadline Hollywood Daily, director Michael Bay had other ideas:

Wait, director Michael Bay is now saying Transformers 3 is for July 2012? Didn’t Paramount talk to him before they announced the 2011 release date this week? Here’s what Bay blogs by way of explanation for the mix-up: “I said I was taking off a year from Transformers. Paramount made a mistake in dating   Transformers 3 – they asked me on the phone – I said yes to July 4 – but for 2012 – whoops! Not 2011!!! That would mean I would have to start prep in September. No way. My brain needs a break from fighting robots.

Huge passion for film scores, lives for the Academy Awards, loves movie trailers. That is all.