
‘Marty Masterson’, an Epic Short Mockumentary – We Are Movie Geeks

Local Flavor

‘Marty Masterson’, an Epic Short Mockumentary

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Last night I had the pleasure of presenting an award at the SCC Student Film Festival. One of the breakout films at the festival and audience award winner ‘Marty Masterson’ took me very much by surprise. Its a short mockumentary about a guy who wins 130 million dollars and spends almost all of it on one thing. Freaking brilliant, and the guys that made it are college students. A.J. Meadows is a fantastic young film maker, and the star of ‘Marty Masterson’ Don Etzkorn is awesome as well.

The greatest thing is that this isnt even the best film the director A.J. Meadows had at the festival. He also did a short film titled ‘Polaroid Boyfriend’, which I voted for as the audience award winner. I will create another post about that film as well.

You can check out ‘Marty Masterson’ here:

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.