
‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise may go for #Five? – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Fast & Furious’ Franchise may go for #Five?

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Nothing major here, but for fans of the franchise it’s been revealed during a Hollywood press junket that there may be a fifth installment in the ‘Fast & Furious’ string of movies. Here’s what Frosty at picked up during the junket when actor Paul Walker was asked about the possibility:

“I’ve heard it in the rumor mill. I’ve spoken with executives at Universal at this point and they’re pretty serious about it. They’re developing it. They know where they want it to take place. They want to do it in Europe.†

I can’t honestly say I myself am thrilled… actually, I’m sort of apathetic to the whole thing. These movies, more or less, have been fine but not excellent, so a fifth wouldn’t really bother me either way. I will say, however, that the fourth installment looks interesting in the sense that it seems it may be different than it’s predecessors and possibly take the franchise down a new path.

[source: Collider]

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end