
3D Anime ‘Mad Max’ is Coming – We Are Movie Geeks


3D Anime ‘Mad Max’ is Coming

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Getting a fourth ‘Mad Max’ film off the ground seems like it’s about as hard as flying the Spruce Goose.   It just doesn’t seem like it’s meant to happen.   Don’t tell director George Miller that, though.   He sat down with MTV this week, and divulged some information about ‘Mad Max 4’ being done as an R-rated stereoscopic anime flick for theatrical release.   Sounds pretty badass.

“I see myself as someone who is very curious about storytelling and all its various media,† Miller said. “I’ve always loved anime, in particular the Japanese sensibility. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.†

The story will lift plot points from the script the director was going to go with when he last tried to get the film made back in 2003.   That project fell off the financial deep end after the Iraq war broke out, thank you, W!

As for Mel Gibson reprising the role, don’t expect him to return.

“We’ll probably go a different route,† Miller told MTV about Gibson potentially voicing the lead role.

As for the animation, Miller, who also directed 2006’s ‘Happy Feet’, says he doesn’t want to mimic the Japanese-style animation but rather to adapt it for Western audiences.   “The anime is an opportunity for me to shift a little bit about what anime is doing because anime is ripe for an adjustment or sea change,† he explained. “It’s coming in games and I believe it’s the same in anime. There’s going to be a hybrid anime where it shifts more towards Western sensibilities. [Japanese filmmaker Akira] Kurosawa was able to bridge that gap between the Japanese sensibilities and the West and make those definitive films.†

Miller also says that a video game tie-in is also in the cards.

What do you think?   Would ‘Mad Max’ have a nice resurrection as an anime feature?   Are you excited that they are doing a fourth ‘Mad Max’ film rather than try to reboot the series?   Who do you think would be a nice fill-in for Gibson’s voice on the project?   Let us know by commenting below!

Source: MTV News