
SXSW Film Festival 2009: Day 5 Recap – We Are Movie Geeks

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SXSW Film Festival 2009: Day 5 Recap

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Our daily updates have sort of fallen by the wayside due to the pure craziness of SXSW, so we will try to recap day 3 and 4 but at this point they are kind of a blur. Lucky for us Day 5 was yesterday and sort of fresh in our minds.

We kicked the morning off pretty late because of the fact that we hadn’t gotten much sleep our trip thus far, but we got up and around about 2:30. We grabbed some Jack in the Box and then headed down to 6th street so that we could catch some fun and craziness before the ‘Iron Maiden: Flight 666’ premiere. After that we headed down to Alamo on South Lamar for the new Broken Lizard movie ‘The Slammin Salmon’, then a midnight screening of ‘Black’ which closes out the SXSW presents Fantastic Fest at Midnight series.

After that due to extreme exhaustion we decided to go home and get some sleep to begin another crazy day.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.