
SXSW Film Festival 2009: Day 2 recap – We Are Movie Geeks

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SXSW Film Festival 2009: Day 2 recap

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Day 2 at SXSW was filled with a bunch of screenings and movies, little to no partying which sucks but it needed to be done since we are really here for the movies right?

We started the day off with a screening of a new mumblecore style movie ‘Sorry, Thanks’ which was actually a really good movie. From there we went over and interviewed Duncan Jones, Writer/Director of ‘Moon’ who is a super badass. Here is a photo of Duncan and I:

from there I ran over to catch ‘Pulling John‘ while Jeremy hit up ‘True Adolescents‘ and we both came out of those screenings very happy.

We were scheduled to interview John Breznk the star and international Arm Wrestling Champion at the ‘Pulling John’ after party. The film makers, and John were ridiculously nice dudes and did a great interview. Here is a photo of myself with the guys from ‘Pulling John’:

After that we tried to hit the red carpet for ‘Moon’ but it was too freaking crazy and we werent going to get an interview with Sam Rockwell so Jeremy went in and watched the movie while I found some wifi to write stuff up before seeing ‘Roadsworth: Crossing the Line‘. When Jeremy got out we decided to do the red carpet for Joe Swanberg’s ‘Alexander the Last’, and we talked to Joe along with Jess Weixler, you can see the video here:

After this we headed over to the convention center to get a couple of write ups done and then headed off to Alamo Lamar to see ‘Pontypool‘ which was freaking awesome movie about a radio DJ, his producer and zombies..yes please.

We thought that since this is Austin Texas on a Saturday night we could hit some parties, but everything shuts down at about 2am except the crazy drunk people fighting which is pretty entertaining.

All in all a great day 2, very long and sleep is becoming less and less.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.