
Video Podcast #2: ‘Zack and Miri Make a Porno’ and ‘Push’ – We Are Movie Geeks

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Video Podcast #2: ‘Zack and Miri Make a Porno’ and ‘Push’

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Well its official, you can now get the We Are Movie Geeks video podcast in iTunes, just CLICK HERE to subscribe.

So you are asking, what the heck did you guys do in this episode? Well first off Travis and I went to Best Buy to pickup ‘Zack and Miri Make a Porno’ and we recorded it for you guys! Then we went to a screening of ‘Push’ and you can see our initial thoughts on the movie before and after.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.