‘Transformers 2’ Teaser
It is almost here!
Check out the new teaser!
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Hello, Name's VINNIE but you can call me Vince. Just kidding! Born and raised in St. Louis. But have a great opened mind. Probably can fit more bad than good in it. I love movies. I breathe movies. Mmmm.. .My life is movie... I have a degree in Multi Media/Video Editing and Graphic Design. I am currently working on my Economics/Business degree. I want to something utilizing all of my wonderful skills. Just not now... All I want do to is watch MOVIES. Favorite Movies: Pineapple Express, Ocean's 11,12 and 13, Catch Me If You Can, Gremlins, Bad Boys 1 & 2, The Last Dragon, and Robocop... yes Robocop... just for laughing add Robocop 2 and 3