
The Movie Geeks Take Over NY Comic Con – We Are Movie Geeks

Comic Con

The Movie Geeks Take Over NY Comic Con

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I just wanted everyone to know that this weekend I will be representing WAMG at the NY Comic Con, as well as covering the event for all of you. I am trying to hit mostly film/TV related stuff but there is a good mix in what I will be covering. I will be sure to post tons of photos and I will try to get as much video as possible. I also have some great exclusive interviews and other surprises for all of you. If any of you plan on attending, be on the lookout for me. I’ll be the one in the WAMG jacket and Stuck Like Chuck t-shirt. If you can’t make it out, go to for a listing of their panels and exhibitors and let me know what you want me to check out. Like I said, I will try to hit all the movie and TV panels/booths but let me know if there’s anything else I should see. Stephen will also be there on Saturday to assist in the coverage. This is my first Comic Con and I look forward to sharing my experience with all of you!

I’ll be back Friday night with some updates.

Jerry Cavallaro -Â  www.AreYouStuckLikeChuck.

Born with a camera in hand, Jerry Cavallaro was destined to be a great filmmaker. Legend has it that he even filmed his own birth. He later went on to film the indie rom-com STUCK LIKE CHUCK, which is now available to watch for free on Amazon. Jerry brings his passion for movies, both behind the camera and in front of the screen, to every piece he writes for this site.