
SAW: The Ride … Coming Very Soon! – We Are Movie Geeks


SAW: The Ride … Coming Very Soon!

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You heard that right. Â  There’s a roller coaster devoted to the ‘Saw’ franchise, but don’t expect to ride it unless you plan on buying a plane ticket (or live across the pond). Â  It has been built in Thorpe Park, an amusement park in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Check out this promo video for the ride:

Saw: The Ride is a Euro-Fighter roller coaster, a design whose trademark  feature is its ‘beyond vertical’ drop, which reaches an angle greater than 90 degrees.

For a visual of a Euro-Fighter, here’s an example:


The indoor section at the beginning will include a steep drop and barrel roll; an estimated 30 seconds of ride time will be spent inside the station building. This section is followed by a vertical lift and the ‘beyond vertical’ 100 degree drop. At the bottom of this drop there will be a head-chopper effect and cars will reach a speed of 55 Miles Per Hour. The track will include three inversions – the   barrel roll, an Immelman Loop and a dive loop  as well as an ‘airtime’ hill.

Here are a few pics of the ride under construction:


As of October 31 2008 the Disciples of Jigsaw competition is now open on the ride’s official website. Participants have to prove that they are over the age of 12 by entering their date of birth. They can then proceed to a Java-based  game in which they have to ‘cut off their leg’ (reminiscent of a set-piece in the first Saw film). When done, they can enter their details for a chance to be one of the first to ride SAW: The Ride.

The ride is scheduled to open to the public on Saturday 14 March 2009, although people who win the competition will ride it on the 13th March 2009.

Source: Saw: The