
Sam Rockwell joins cast of legal drama – We Are Movie Geeks


Sam Rockwell joins cast of legal drama

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Sam Rockwell, one of the coolest character actors out there today, has signed on to play a convicted felon in a new legal drama. No, it’s not ‘Erin Brockovich 2’… it’s called ‘Betty Anne Waters’, originally written by Pamela Gray and re-written by Richard LaGravenese (PS, I Love You), it’s being directed by Tony Goldwyn (The Last Kiss). The film already has Hilary Swank starring with Minnie Driver on the supporting cast.

The film is based on the true story of Waters (Swank), an unemployed single mother who saw her brother convicted for a murder-robbery in 1983 and sentenced to life in prison. Convinced of his innocence, she spent the next decade earning a law degree and working on her brother’s case. Rockwell plays the brother. — HR

[source: Hollywood Reporter]

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end