
Comic Con NY 2009: Pre-Con Coverage – We Are Movie Geeks

Comic Con

Comic Con NY 2009: Pre-Con Coverage

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Well tomorrow the NY Comic Con officially kicks off but I’ve been busy with Pre-Con preparations for a while now. I have been working on a schedule for the past 2 weeks and it is still a work in progress. Below is my current schedule†¦with a few omissions. If you have any suggestions, be sure to let me know. I’m still trying to decide on which film to watch tomorrow night. Whenever I am not at panel or an interview, I will be at a booth getting all the latest info for you guys.


12:30-1:00 1A15 Yatterman Press Conference

3:30-4:30 1A08 Alien Trespass

4:30-5:00 ? Secret Interview


11:00-12:30 IGN Warner Bros. Panel – Watchmen, Terminator, Friday the 13th

2:15-2:25 ? Secret Interview

2:30-3:30 IGN UP & The Surrogates

2:45-3:45 1A14 Dead Like Me Panel

4:00-5:00 IGN Summit Entertainment – Knowing, The Hurt Locker, Astroboy

5:15-5:30 ? Secret Interview

6:15-7:00 ? Secret Interview


11:15-12:15 1A08 Chuck Panel

12:45-1:45 IGN Dollhouse Panel

2:00-3:00 IGN FRINGE Panel


In addition to 50 emails a day and working on my schedule, I spent my last two nights at Pre-Con Screenings. Yesterday I caught Alien Trespass, which is an extremely well done homage to 1950’s sci-fi movies. In fact, aside from the image/sound being so clean and some famous actors in it, some people just may believe their marketing campaign that the film is a lost movie from that era. I will post my official review when it comes out on April 3rd but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Before the film started, Director R.W. Goodwin came out to tell us a little about the movie. He also introduced a short video that he said he made when people told him making this type of movie was a bad idea. The video is a very funny short mockumentary explaining how the film was lost 50 years ago and how it was eventually found. Be sure to visit their official website, for more info and check out the “Lost Footage† page to watch scenes from the mockumentary.


Tonight I saw the awesomely epic B-movie, Mutant Chronicles. I really did not know much going into this film except it starred Thomas Jane and had Mutant in the title. That was enough for me. Since I knew so little about the film, I decided not to even watch the trailer and just go into the film fresh. Before it started, a producer spoke briefly about the film. He told us the version we saw was not finished and that the final film that is released in April will be about 12 minutes shorter. Luis Echegaray who plays Cpl. Jesus Barerra in the film was also on hand to talk of some funny moments on set. Since what I saw was not the final cut, I won’t write a review for it but I will tell you that it is EPIC. The film had a lot of action, some funny lines and Thomas Jane playing a sarcastic badass. The plot is very B-movie, as is the whole feel of the film but it is a very big B-movie. I read the budget was around $20 million and I’d say that was about right. Some of the special effects were a bit weak but others looked great. Since the film is not finished and most of it was CGI effects, there is a good chance those effects will be enhanced in the final product. This is definitely a movie for B-movie fans but it’s bigger budget and interesting story should also appeal to the more mainstream crowd. Oh and be sure to visit the film’s website, I was told they have tons of live promotions and giveaways on there and they will continue to have contests until August when the film is out on DVD and Blu-Ray. Just go to the website and you may instantly win.

I’m going to wrap up now since I still have a ton of stuff to get done and I’m supposed to wake up in about 6 hours. More updates tomorrow night!

Jerry Cavallaro –

Born with a camera in hand, Jerry Cavallaro was destined to be a great filmmaker. Legend has it that he even filmed his own birth. He later went on to film the indie rom-com STUCK LIKE CHUCK, which is now available to watch for free on Amazon. Jerry brings his passion for movies, both behind the camera and in front of the screen, to every piece he writes for this site.