
Magnet acquires Sundance’s ‘Bronson’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Magnet acquires Sundance’s ‘Bronson’

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Magnet Releasing has picked up the US distribution rights for Nicolas Winding Refn’s ‘Bronson’.   No word yet on a release date.   Magnet usually releases their acquisitions via Video-On-Demand and/or limited theatrical run before releasing it on DVD.   With this being a nominee for the 2009 Sundance Grand Jury Prize Award, we can only hope that some of us (especially here in St. Louis) will see a limited theatrical run.

For more information on ‘Bronson’, check out Scott’s review from his screening at Sundance (pssst, he gave it a perfecto score).

When you are done with that, also check out Scott’s interview with the director Nicolas Winding Refn.

I is movie geek. Hear me rawr. Ok, time for the professional speak. I have always been a movie geek. For serious. My dad fed me on a healthy diet of Blade Runner & Clockwork Orange. My mother introduced me to horror & psychological thrillers like Rosemary's Baby & Robert Wise's The Haunting. These mere morsels of celluoid only whet my appetite. During my teenage years, you could find me searching for the next Full Moon pictures joint on the old VHS shelves. I dug through the archives of backwoods slashers of the 80's and ate spaghetti with the Italian maestros by the flavors of Bava, Argento & Fulci. Now, I have reached the lower realms of depravity by thinking that Cannibal Holocaust is required viewing & running a weekly podcast, DESTROY THE BRAIN!, covering horror & genre film. Hmmm, I'm going to stop while I'm ahead. Favorite Films: Halloween (1978), La Haine, Vertigo, Rosemary's Baby, Fight Club, Nightmare on Elm Street, Kidnapped (Rabid Dogs), The Blair Witch Project..and the list just keeps growing.