
Is Cate Blanchett Set to play Maid Marian? – We Are Movie Geeks


Is Cate Blanchett Set to play Maid Marian?

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Actor Mark Strong recently spoke with the UK’s The Telegraph where he revealed who may be stepping into Sienna Miller’s role of Maid Marian in the new Ridley Scott film ‘Nottingham’.

“I think Cate Blanchett is set to take the Maid Marian part,” said Strong, who is expected to play Sir Guy of Gisbourne. “She is a wonderful actress and it would make it a much classier film if she was in it.”

Miller was dropped from the project, because she was apparently too slim and youthful for the part.

What do you think?   Is Blanchett a good choice for the part?   Will this end up being a good movie?   Is Sienna Miller really too slim?   Let us now by commenting below!

Source: The Telegraph