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Friday Sitdown for February 13th, 2009
Happy Friday the 13th everyone and in honor of it being Friday the 13th obviously we have to recommend you see the newest remake to hit the silver screen.
‘Friday the 13th’ will be enjoying a new lease on life thanks to Platinum Dunes who has taken over this franchise 29 years after the original was released in 1980. Derek Mears has taken up the hockey mask and is playing Jason more sadistic than I ever remember him. So ladies if you are trying to score bonus points with your boyfriend, or guys who are dating a lady that appreciates good horror then you need to get out and see this one!
Here are your specific recommendations:
Date Movie: ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic‘ or ‘Two Lovers‘
Guys Night Out: ‘Friday the 13th‘
Girls Night Out: ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic‘
Parents are tagging along: ‘The International‘
What to take the kids to: Nothing great releasing this week for the kids, but ‘Coraline‘ is still in theaters.
Hitting up an indie flick by yourself: ‘Friday the 13th‘ if you can handle it alone!